Liz Here Now

Liz Here Now


Book by Todd Connor

Dr. Eckman has known Todd Connor for the past 30 years and has been his pastor and teacher. Todd's story is a remarkable demonstration of the reparenting ability of God the Father in a person's life. The book, Liz Here Now, shows both God's provision in a horrible situation as well as His remarkable ability to bring emotional health.

Based on a 1960’s true story, the book charts the journey of Liz, the black maid hired by Dr. Frank and Jane Connor. It’s where “Mad Men” meets “The Help”.

Dr. Frank Connor was the most prominent physician in town.  His wife, Jane bore a striking resemblance to the movie star, Jane Russell. Like “Mad Men”, the Connor’s walked and talked the American Dream.

Like “The Help”, Liz falls in love with the Connor’s three small children.  She calls them her own “little white babies”.

Soon, however, Liz discovers the family’s secret.  Jane Connor’s psychotic breaks were increasing in frequency and violence. The children were the target. Liz confronts Dr. Connor who refuses to tarnish his reputation with the exposure of child abuse and mental illness. 

Liz must journey, alone.

Despite her husband’s warnings that no one would believe a “Poor Black maid over that rich white doctor and his Mizzuz”, Liz navigates past the landmines of money, power, and bigotry to ultimately save her “little white babies”. The narrator is Todd Connor, the youngest child.  At Liz’s funeral, he reveals the truth about the Connor children’s passage to safety, culminating in the most comforting words they would ever know; “Liz Here Now”.

Visit Todd Connor's website to find out more and get the book.

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